Monday, 25 April 2016

The Roulette 70 % winning tricks

Roulette is a game different from other games like Blackjack or Baccarat. Way to play Roulette is quite simple, doesn’t like other Card games, so you can’t get more winning chances by calculating winnings when playing cards. Roulette is a game that is based on true luck, win or lose chances that is a big part of the game, say so does not mean that there is no way to winning roulette .
Cause Roulette has no commission for the casino as Baccarat and also unlike Blackjack has round draw, so that every bet in Roulette will certainly be won or lost. Here are the secrets to playing Roulette up to 70 % winning when gambling online for real money.
1. Bet on colors
Players often in a dilemma when choose color to bet though only 1 in 2 out red and black. There will be a 50 % chance of happening for 2 colors. Notice when you should bet only 1 bet on a certain color you have chosen, can first start with 1 contract then rose to $ 5 if winnings. Also, you can play Roulette for free you just have to bet on one of the tables outside the door. At this time, there is always the same chance of winning for one color will take place.
2. Bet on Number
Bet during the between 1-18 and 19 - 36. In general, need to bet the same amount bet on the color. You can only bet once or at most twice on the numbers in the range above.
3. Bet in Line
Bet on the color and bet in rows basically the same principles. Because if your first bet and winnings , keep your bets unchanged , even if your bet loses once more with the same amount lost a bet . Doubling the bet and bet again, this time you only need one lucky that you can take it all back. Note that this comes bet is that you will have to risk losing a large amount of capital but you will have the opportunity to win double your initial capital.
Above are some secrets to playing winning roulette gambling online while 70 %. You can manipulate this way and applied to join Roulette your way.
Good luck!

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